Friday, March 7, 2014


This week with all of the stress of midterms and Spring Break quickly approaching, I dedicated a much needed study break to mindless internet surfing. While browsing, I came across an article which featured Kristin Davis, aka Charlotte from Sex and the City, in which she stated that her biggest regret from the show was...the shoes. At first I was shocked really, that's the regret? not the casting or even the plot line of the Sex and the City 2 movie? However after reading further, Davis explains that "'It did seem we were trying to say to women, "You should be wearing heels like these". I really appreciated the accountability Davis brought to herself as well as the industry, she went on to say that, "it became a bigger picture thing, where it seemed women should be wearing them every day."

I found this article and topic particularly interesting for two reasons, the first of which being  the timing since March is Women's History month, the second being the irony of the idea of labels in regards to women and Sex and the City in particular. In the opening of the first Sex and the City movie, Carrie Bradshaw narrates that 20-something women in New York are searching for the two L's "love and labels". After reflecting on Davis' article I couldn't help but think of the labels women in particular "wear" each and everyday. While in film's version of labels was referring to designer duds, the social  labels women wear are far bigger staples than the latest runway trend. We see these women all the time, if shes blonde...dumb, wears glasses...nerd, sorority shirt...stuck up, and the list goes on. After reflecting on this, I began to wonder how many women I have come in contact with that I subconsciously have written off because of the labels she wears, and worse what my labels say about me? 

Through the Center's growing Women's Leadership Initiative we are hoping to bring more programs and opportunities to our campus. What would it look like if we could start to peel back these layers and see women by who they are rather than what they look like? At a recent WLI program Food For Thought, our guest speaker Taylor Duck told students "not to let anyone else define you, you define yourself through your actions each and everyday". With this powerful message in mind, lets all use March as a springboard not only to shed our own labels, but also to look beyond others and get to know them and appreciate why they wear the labels they do. 

Check out the full article in the link below! 

xoxo Grace Brown

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring Break in G-Vegas

Spring Break is less than 2 days away. While everyone is preparing for Miami, Key West and out of the country experiences, I will be here in my good ole' hometown of Greenville. My intention are to "chill" and sleep as much as possible. My past two months have been filled with constant running around for school, work purposes and my social life. The anticipation for next week is slowly building. I can imagine my week of laziness, video games, and forgetting about any and everything that involves school. Friday afternoon will be a sigh of relief. Enjoy your spring break however you see fit; go out, enjoy yourself, have fun and live it up. Spring Break does not have to be the craziest time of your life. Go for a little more "Break" than "Spring".

By Adrian Spell
Student Leadership Assistant 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Life Lessons from Dr. Seuss

The past few weeks for me as well as for many of those around me have been trying and exhausting. It is easy to get caught up in everything that is going on in your remote little world; I have two midterms in one day and then that meeting ran way too long and our social was moved and I forgot to do that pre-approval at work and then the dryer stopped working…but in reality how much does any of that matter? Chances are none of those things are going to have a real lasting implication beyond this day, week, or semester. As Lent begins today and so many people are giving up Instagram, Twitter, and cake I want to give up the attitude that everything is going wrong and try to spend more time appreciating everything that is right. So I challenge you, from now until the end of the semester write down one thing that went right each and every day. Be sure to share your list with us! As always, have a fabulous day!
